The Remote Reality

All info regarding this upcoming project is secret and currently under works, so I’ll just share with you a small snippet of Episode 4.

Depiction of “Son” for The Remote Reality

In the velvet shroud of night, shadows dance as men gather around the table, their faces obscured by swirling smoke from cigars and the amber glow of whiskey. Amidst this scene, Mom gracefully navigates the room, her presence a silent orchestrator of the unfolding drama. With a deliberate gesture, she lets a cloth slip from her grasp, a calculated move that propels her beneath the table’s veil.

Suddenly, a voice breaks the thick air, laden with disbelief, “Are you alright with this?” The question hangs, pregnant with tension, as Dad, the master of ceremonies, fixes his gaze upon the speaker, his lips curling into a sly grin. “I hope this won’t tarnish your poker skills,” he retorts, his words dripping with a sinister charm.

As the realization dawns upon the others, a wave of laughter ripples through the room, mingling with the clink of glasses and the shuffle of cards. Yet beneath the facade of camaraderie, there lingers an undercurrent of apprehension, a silent acknowledgment of the secrets bound within.

In a swift motion, Dad rises from his seat, a glint of steel catching the dim light as he brandishes his revolver. “Darling, what do 2 out of 5 people cherish most?” he poses, his voice a low, velvet whisper. In the hushed intimacy of the moment, Mom’s voice cuts through the silence, a beacon of warmth amidst the gathering darkness, “What, baby?”

With a deafening crack, the tranquility shatters, giving way to chaos as Dad’s shot reverberates through the room. And from the depths of shadows, Mom emerges, her presence a testament to survival amidst the uncertainty of the night.

“Being alive,” Dad declares, his words a solemn ode to the fragile beauty of existence. And in the timeless dance of desire, Mom responds, her voice a breathless whisper, “You truly know how to awaken my senses.”

With a tender grace, Dad guides Mom onto the table, their bodies entwined in a symphony of passion that echoes into the night, a testament to the enduring power of love amidst the darkness.

– William Classified for The Remote Reality, Episode 4